


Agents are service providers which may be either local or remote. They may represent files, servers, shared memory, etc...  They are self-contained entities having state and communicating using message passing. Services are invoked asynchronuously and messages may arrive in any order.


Since an agent's services typically interact with the environment, they may also fail (link down, reading failure...).













and at first sight similar to objects in mainstream languages. Yet, they are a different and higher level. In OO, you precise the target and the message you send to it, having a synchronous response in exchange. With agents:

  • You can send a message to precise targets or to anyone
  • You can receive a message from precise sources or anyone
  • Message passing is asynchronous
  • You have the notion of conversation
  • Usage instead of inheritance



A simple agent


In this example, the agent solely listens to the console which is a "native agent". Messages sent from other sources are not taken into account.


agent ConsoleCounter

counter := 0

<< system.console : "bump"

 counter := counter + 1


<< system.console : "how much?"

>> system.console : toString(counter)


Since it is often cumbersome to write targets and sources, the keyword 'using' indicates the default source & target:


agent ConsoleCounter using system.console

counter := 0

<<  "bump"

 counter := counter + 1


<< "how much?"

>> toString(counter)


Both agents are strictly equivalent.



General senders and listeners


Instead of specifying to whom the messages are sent, or from whom they are received, one can simply put a '?'. Let us illustrate this by an example.


agent Reactor

temperature := 0

<< System.Timer : MinuteElapsed

temperature := temperature + 1

if temperatur > 100

>> ? : OverheatAlert


<< ? : Cooldown

temperature := 0


agent SecuritySystem

<< ? : OverHeat

>> from : Cooldown


The 'from' is a special keyword indicating from whom was sent the message. Notice that you have nothing more to add, there is no need to add listeners or such, Arplan will dispatch all messages accordingly to the receiving abilities of the various agents.



































Conversations & jumps



agent WhereDoYouLive using system.console

<< Console.Ready

>> "Hi!"


>> "In what continent do you live: " ++ concat(continents) ++ "?"

<< continent

if continent in continents


>> "In which country from: " ++ countries(continent) ++ "?"

<< country



>> "I don't know the continent " ++ continent ++"!"

goto askContinent





Sources, targets & syntactic sugar


Here is a short summary of how you can send or receive messages.


To receive a message from anyone

<< ? : message

To receive a message from a precise source


To r

Receiving a message from a precise source


<< source : message


Sending a message to a target


>> target : message


Sending a message to anyone


>> ? : message




Aspect oriented agents



when to << from : msg

>> logFile : toString(from) ++ " -> " ++ toString(to) ++ " : " ++ msg



Asynchronous messages




Creating & killing




The 'using' keyword